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Lesson 26: Feeling the Groove (Exercise 3)

In this lesson, we delve into an exercise that truly starts to sound like music. This groove forms the backbone of many well-known rock, pop, and hip-hop grooves and is often one of the first rhythms drummers master. As you’ve been building your rhythm skills, this exercise will help you feel how these foundational drumming patterns can transform into a rich musical experience.

Approach to the Exercise:

  1. Step 1 – Play Along with the Video: Begin by playing along with the video demonstration. Focus on matching the rhythm and feel of the exercise as shown. Notice how the patterns you’ve practiced start to evolve into a more musical form.
  2. Step 2 – Drum Track Practice: Next, move on to playing along with the drum track, which you can find in the second part of the video, under the chapter “Your Turn.” This step encourages you to tune into the music using your auditory skills, rather than relying on visual cues from the video. Listen closely to the track, letting it guide your performance as you feel and integrate the rhythm.

Moving Forward:

Once you can comfortably play along with the drum track, maintaining the rhythm and feeling the music, you’re ready to proceed to the next lesson. This exercise is a great stepping stone into more advanced rhythmic concepts and musicality, so enjoy the process and the progress you’re making!

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