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Lesson 23: Preparatory Exercise

In this unique part of our beginner piano course, we’re going to delve into the world of drumming. You might wonder, why drumming in a piano course? The answer lies in the foundational skills that drumming reinforces, which are crucial for any musician, including pianists. By following these drum lessons, you’ll develop several key musical skills that will enhance your piano playing.

Why Focus on Drumming Exercises?

  1. Improving Relationship with Rhythm (and Drummers): At the heart of drumming lies rhythm, an element fundamental to all music.

    For pianists, a strong sense of rhythm can enhance even the simplest melodies. Conversely, the most beautiful melodies can suffer if played with poor rhythm.

    Mastering these drumming patterns will also help you create piano grooves that complement drum grooves, making your collaboration with drummers more harmonious and effective.
  2. Enhancing Timing and Coordination: Drumming requires precise coordination and timing. Notably, many of the best pianists, such as the late Chick Corea and Geoffrey Keezer, started as drummers. This background gave them a strong rhythmic foundation, which is essential for piano playing. Practicing drumming exercises will help you translate these crucial rhythmic skills to the piano, enhancing your timing and coordination.
  3. Building Musical Collaboration Skills: Understanding the basics of drumming gives you insight into how other musicians, especially drummers, approach rhythm. This knowledge is crucial when playing in a band or ensemble, ensuring that you can sync perfectly with the drummer and other rhythm section players.

How to Approach the Exercises:

  • Right Hand (Ride): Use your right hand to mimic the ride cymbal’s pattern.
  • Left Hand (Snare): Your left hand will take on the role of the snare drum.
  • Right Foot (Bass Drum): Practice the bass drum beat with your right foot.
  • Left Foot (Hi-Hat – Closed): Use your left foot to simulate the closed hi-hat.

Goal of the Exercises: These exercises are designed to be engaging and fun, while significantly improving your rhythmic skills and overall musicality. As you work through them, you’ll notice an improvement in your timing, coordination, and rhythm feeling – all crucial for becoming a well-rounded musician.

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