Discovering Modes, Voicings & Harmonization
Introduction to Jazz Module 13 gives you a first look into the world of jazz. You’ll begin to learn key jazz concepts like modes, harmonization, and syncopation, along with jazzy left-hand voicings and technical drills such as Jazz Hanons. This module sets the...
Beginner’s Guide to Solo Jazz-Blues Piano
Jazz-Blues Foundations Module 14 takes you deeper into jazz by exploring the jazz-blues genre, a perfect starting point for jazz beginners. This style uses a single blues scale for improvisation, making it easier to handle even as chords change quickly. Here’s how...
30 Day Jazz-Blues Piano Challenge
Crafting Jazz Lines Over Chord Changes In Module 15, we focus on mastering how to improvise jazz lines through chord changes, using C jazz-blues as our main example. This module will help you confidently navigate chord progressions and sharpen your improvisation...